20 05, 2024

Think your brand is just a Logo? Think Again!

2024-06-27T19:04:04+01:00May 20th, 2024|Guides, Lead generation, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Tips|

Your brand is more than a striking logo, or a catchy slogan. Your brand is your promise to your customer. It's the DNA of your customer experience, the story that connects emotionally, and the values that resonate with your audience. The logo? That's just the tip of the branding iceberg. The evolution of branding Gone [...]

7 02, 2024

Mastering the art of converting strangers into valuable customers

2024-02-07T18:20:10+00:00February 7th, 2024|Lead generation, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Tips|

For any business, winning new customers can be time consuming and costly. The process of winning new customers means overcoming the challenges of turning strangers into loyal customers. Strategic marketing, with a clear marketing plan can make this conversion easier, but there is no silver bullet that makes this easy. Here are a few tips [...]

19 01, 2024

B2B Decision making is non-linear, emotional, and messy

2024-01-19T16:41:49+00:00January 19th, 2024|Guides, Lead generation, Marketing Tips|

Marketers spend a lot of time building and analysing buyer journeys. The goal? Engaging, nurturing and winning new business. Its complex, and buyers are people too, who want to drive their own journey – one that suits them. If you’re operating in a B2B (Business-to-Business) transactions, decision making is far from straightforward. Unlike the linear [...]

18 06, 2023

How well do you know your ideal customer?

2023-08-29T11:57:53+01:00June 18th, 2023|Guides, Lead generation, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Tips|

In today’s highly competitive and rapidly changing environment, one fundamental principle holds true: understanding your audience is paramount. No matter how innovative your product or service may be, without a deep understanding of the people you are trying to reach, your marketing efforts are likely to fall flat. How well do you really know your [...]

20 03, 2023

Why you need to invest in a B2B ‘always-on’ marketing strategy

2023-03-28T17:33:12+01:00March 20th, 2023|Lead generation, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Tips|

Today we live in a digital world where customers, and that includes us, expect to receive a tailored, personalised service 24/7. According to google 75% of smartphone users expect immediate information whenever they open a website tab. And an astounding 51% believe that businesses should be contactable at any time, from any place. Historically these [...]

21 05, 2020

Why a marketing consultant will help you thrive

2020-07-10T10:39:56+01:00May 21st, 2020|Lead generation, Marketing Strategy, Marketing Tips|

Reasons why a marketing consultant will help you do more than survive in the new normal Sometimes it’s actually the lack of marketing focus that’s limiting business performance and success. And that's particularly true during and beyond the Coronavirus pandemic . Every business needs to be marketing. But different businesses need a different approach depending [...]

18 02, 2020

10 key LinkedIn stats you need to know

2020-07-10T09:46:25+01:00February 18th, 2020|Digital Marketing, Lead generation, Marketing Strategy, Social Media|

LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional networking site and with over 660 million users in more than 200 countries across the globe you can see why. It’s a powerful channel enabling businesses to increase their brand awareness, build credibility and grow professional connections. Here are 10 key LinkedIn stats that you need to know. They [...]

6 12, 2019

What is the buyer’s journey?

2020-06-19T20:24:33+01:00December 6th, 2019|Guides, Lead generation, Marketing Strategy|

Put simply, the buyer’s journey is the active process buyers go through to become aware of, consider, evaluate and the decision making that leads to a purchase of a new product or service. The process of zero (no awareness of your product or service) to sale (a purchase). Conceptually the journey consists of a three-step [...]

20 11, 2019

Webinars for lead generation

2020-06-18T18:31:14+01:00November 20th, 2019|Content Marketing, Lead generation, Marketing Tips|

Can Webinars drive lead generation? Webinars are a powerful marketing tool for businesses looking to drive lead generation. They’re an excellent strategy because they work across the entire customer journey. Webinars are a great environment to demonstrate your thought-leadership, host panel discussions, work with guest speakers and contributors to helping you establish trust and credibility. [...]

26 09, 2019

How to succeed with SEO and website traffic

2019-09-26T13:16:37+01:00September 26th, 2019|Digital Marketing, Lead generation, Marketing Tips, SEO|

If you are relying on people finding your business and your website through google searches, then you need to put website traffic and search engine optimization (SEO) high on your priority list. The basic concept of SEO and how to succeed with website traffic seems pretty straightforward. Your goal is to optimise your website to deliver [...]

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